
<- Aechmea prasinata G.Sousa & Wand.[as Aechmea prasinata ]
Diagnose: —Aechmean prasinata is similar to A. hostilis E.Pereira, and Aechmea gustavoi J. A. Siqueira & Leme of the same subgenus, in the short-peducled and capituliform inflorescence, but differs by the oval to oblong floral bracts, apically acuminate sepals and by the green colour of all the floral parts. In A. hostilis the peduncle bracts and floral bracts are red to vinaceous, the floral bracts are lanceolate and the sepals apically mucronate and A. gustavoi presents floral bract lanceolate and brown.

Observations: —A. prasinata can be easily distinguished of the two species by the floral bracts green and oval to oblong. Unlike A. hostilis has lanceolate and red floral bracts, making this species very attractive plant. A. gustavoi presents floral bract lanceolate and brown. Aechmea prasinata and A. hostilis are registered to the state of Espírito Santo and A. gustavoi to the states of Pernambuco and Bahia (Leme & Siqueira-Filho 2001).

Edited from : Sousa & Wanderley 2015. (protologue) A new species of Aechmea Ruiz & Pavon (Bromelioideae-bromeliaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest .