
<- Orthophytum vasconcelosianum Leme[as Orthophytum vasconcelosianum ]
Diagnose: —This new species can be distinguished from all known species of Orthophytum by the combination of its long caulescent habit (vs. usually stemless), inflorescence sessile (vs. usually on a distinct peduncle), flowers distinctly fragrant (vs. odorless), petals roselilac (vs. white or green), naked (vs. appendaged), filaments distinctly unequal with the antesepalous ones nearly twice as long as the antepetalous ones (vs. subequal to unequal, with the antesepalous ones slightly longer than the antesepalous ones), stigma lobes lilac-rose toward the base (vs. white to green), without papillae (vs. densely and conspicuously papillose), sepals about equaling the fruits length (vs. 1.5–3 times longer than the fruit length), fruits with fewer seeds (3–5 vs. at least twice as numerous) and larger seeds (2.2–3 × 1–2 mm vs. 1.5–2 x 0.6–1 mm).

Edited from : Leme 2015a. Two new species of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil .