
<- Orthophytum roseolilacinum Leme[as Orthophytum roseolilacinum ]
Diagnose: —This new species can be distinguished from all known species of Orthophytum by the combination of its long caulescent habit (vs. usually stemless), leaves in most part thin in texture (vs. coriaceous or nearly so), leaf blades glabrescent or glabrous (vs. usually distinctly lepidote at least abaxially) with undulate margins (vs. not undulate), inflorescence sessile (vs. usually on a distinct peduncle), flowers 42–55 mm long (vs. usually to 30 mm long), fragrant (vs. odorless), petals broadly spathulate (vs. sublinear-lanceolate to narrowly spathulate), spreading at anthesis (vs. erect to suberect with recurved apex), rose-lilac to lilac-purple toward the apex (vs. white or green), petal blades suborbicular (vs. ovate, obovate or elliptic), petal appendages thick, cupuliform with downwardly curved margins (vs. usually fimbriate to lacerate), stamens deeply included and not visible (vs. not deeply included and at least partially visible), filaments distinctly unequal with the antesepalous ones twice as long as the antepetalous ones (vs. usually unequal, with the antesepalous ones slightly longer than the antesepalous ones), and the conduplicate-spiral stigma (vs. simple-erect).

Edited from : Leme 2015a. Two new species of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil .