
<- Puya vallograndensis var. simplex Rauh[as Puya vallograndensis var. simplex Rauh]
Diagnose: —At typo differt inflorescentiis simplicibus paullum arcuatis et floribus longius petiolatis. Habitat et distributio: Bolivia, inter Loma et Valle Grandensis, Prov. Sta. Cruz, in pratis lapidoso-ruprestribusque una cum typo. Holotypus: Hromradnik 5279 = Hort. Bot. heidelb. 50 823 a, (HEID).

Observations: —Differs from the type in the simple, somewhat bent inflorescence and the longer pedicels.
P. vallo-grandensis var. simplex occurs with a larger, more richly branched plant in larger numbers in the same area, and the simple inflorescence seems hindered in the development and seems to be homologous with the top spike raceme of a normally branched inflorescence [See. Rauh, Bromelienstudien 12. Mitteilung, abb. 4, S. 11, in Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt 41, 1983,]. There is a link between normally branched and simple inflorescences, where the lateral spikes (= Paraclade), admittedly adjacent, hinder the young development stages from further development.

Translated by Butcher from: Rauh 1985a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 16). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .