
<- Orthophytum ulei Louzada & Wand.[as Orthophytum ulei Louzada & Wand.]
Diagnose: —Ortophytophytum albopicto affine sed bracteis primariis, bracteis floralibus et sepalis roseis (vs viridibus), bracteis floralibus carenatis (vs non carenatis) et petalis glabris basim versus (vs petalis trichomatibus praeditis basim versus) differt.

Observations: —Comments: Orthophytum ulei is similar to O. amoenum and O. albopictum. It differs from O. amoenum mainly in having larger leaf blades, (1.2–1.6 vs. 0.5–1 wide), that are adaxially lepidote (vs. sparsely lepidote), lepidote floral bracts and sepals (vs. glabrous) and narrowly triangular (vs. elliptic) sepals. It differs from O. albopictum mainly in its primary bracts, floral bracts and sepals: sepals are pink (vs. green), floral bracts carinate (vs. ecarinate) and petals are glabrous (vs. trichomes below the petal appendages). Orthophytum albopictum has a white-lanate well-delimited band around the inflorescence, formed by dense scales (peltate trichomes) at the base of leaves and primary bracts, the prickles are not longer than 2 mm, while in O. ulei the prickles are 2–3.5 mm long.

Edited from : Louzada & Wanderley 2010. (protologue) Revision of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae): the species with sessile inflorescences .