
<- Vriesea kentii H.Luther & K.Norton[as Vriesea kentii H. Luther & K. Norton]
Diagnose: —A Vriesea pereziana (André) L.B. Smith cui affinis sed bracteis florigeris quasiglabra, petalis violaceus differt.

Observations: —This species can be distinguished from Vriesea pereziana and its variety canescens (André) Gilmartin in having a much larger and more richly branched inflorescences, nearly glabrous floral bracts and blue to blue-violet (not green) petals. I suspect that the only Peruvian collection of V. pereziana var. canescens (Sagastegui 6001) at the University of Trujillo is actually a depauperate example of V. kentii; unfortunately I have not been able to examine this specimen beyond a poor photocopy. Otherwise, all collections of V. pereziana are from southern Colombia, and all collections of V. kentii are from northern Peru. This spectacular ornamental is named for its collector, Mr. Jeffrey Kent, La Vista, California, who grew a population of plants from field collected seed.

Edited from : Luther & Norton 2010. (protologue) A New Grey Vriesea from Northern Peru .