
<- Cryptanthus ferrarius Leme & Paula[as Cryptanthus ferrarius Leme & Paula]
Diagnose: —Species nova a C. regius Leme, cui proxima, sed laminis foliorum longioribus, marginibus laxe spinosis, spinis longioribus, floribus longioribus, petalis longioribus apice obtusis vel leviter emarginatis differt; a C. schwackeanus Mez, affinis, sed laminis foliorum longioribus latioribusque, marginibus laxe spinosis, fasciculis floribus plus numerosis, floribus longioribus differt.

Observations: —Despite being comparatively larger than all closer related species, Cryptanthus ferrarius is a typical member of the complex “C. schwackeanus” which comprises subtle but consistently distinct species (Leme, 2007). Its closest relative is C. regius, but this new species differs from it by the longer leaf blades (24-26 cm vs. 14-17 cm long), with marginal spines laxly arranged (vs. margins subdensely to densely spinose), spines 8-25 m apart (vs. 2-6 mm apart), spines longer (1.5-2.5 mm vs. 0.5-1.5 mm long), flowers longer (38-41 mm vs. 29-30 mm long), petals longer (31-33 mm vs. 23-24 mm long), with apex obtuse to slightly emarginate (vs. apex broadly acute).

- Cryptanthus ferrarius was once identified as a large form of C. schwackeanus (Leme, 1992). However, after observing different populations of all involved species, it became clear that it is a distinct species, which can be distinguished from C. schwackeanus by the much longer and wider leaf blades (24-26 x 1.3-1.8 cm vs. 4-11 x 0.7-1.3 cm), margins laxly spinose (vs. subdensely to densely spinose), spines 8-25 mm apart (vs. 3-7 mm apart), floral fascicles 3- to 4-flowered (vs. ca. 2-flowered), and by the longer flower (38-41 mm vs. 25-35 mm long).

Edited from : Leme & Paula 2009. (protologue) Cryptanthus ferrarius, a New Species from the Iron-rich Soils of Minas Gerais, Brazil, on the Way to Extinction. .