
<- Vriesea sanctateresensis Leme & L.Kollmann[as Vriesea sanctateresensis Leme & L. Kollmann]
Diagnose: —A Vriesea fontellana Leme & G.K. Br., cui affinis, planta duplo breviore, foliis parum numerosis, laminis foliorum brevioribus, bracteis floriferis late ovatis, apice acutis apiculatisque differt.

Observations: —Vriesea sanctateresensisis the smaller, more delicate species within the V. appariciana complex, closely related to V. fontellana. However, this new species differs from the closer parent by its distinctly smaller size (25–30 cm vs. ca. 70 cm high), the reduced number of leaves (10 to 12 vs. 20 to 30), shorter leaf blades (7–9 cm vs. 11–15 cm long), broadly ovate floral bracts (vs. orbicular or nearly so) with apex acute and apiculate (vs. obtuse).

Edited from : Pereira 1971. (protologue) Species nova in Brasilia Bromeliacearum .