
<- Pitcairnia furfuracea Sims  (non Willd., 1809)[as Pitcairnia furfuracea Sims]
Diagnose: —Pitcairnia furfuracea; foliis lanceolato-loratis sparsim spinulosis-subtus farinosis recurvis, laciniis corolla obtusis mucronulatis aequalibus.

Observations: —From Willdenow’s description of Pitcairnia furfuracea, in his Enumeration of the plants in the Berlin Garden, our present subject appears to be most probably the same species, but it is certainly not the Pourretia pyramidata of the Flora Peruviana,- of which Kunth, in his Synopsis, makes Willdenow’s furfuracea, a synonym. It is doubt-less a true Pitcairnia, having the scale-like appendix at the base of the petals ; but even if these were wanting we could by no means consent to separate this plant from the genus to which we have referred it.
The plant from which our drawing was taken was comrnunicated by Mr. Blake, in August, 1819, from the late Mr. Vere's collection at Kensington Gore. It is a native of South America. Cultivated here in the stove.

Edited from : Baker 1852. (protologue) Pitcairnia alta. Native of the West Indies .