
<- Puya pachyphylla R.Vasquez & Ibisch[as Puya pachyphylla R. Vasquez & Ibisch]
Diagnose: —Puya pachyphylla R. Vasquez & Ibisch sp. nov. similis est Puya tuberosa Mez sed foliis paucis, suculentis, rigidis et valde spiniferis atque marginibus bractearum floralium integris et sepalis petalisque grandioribus differt.

Observations: —- Puya pachyphylla, for its size and the superficially-resembling flowers, is similar to the taxa of the complex of Puya tuberosa, but it notably differs by the few, thick, rigid and strongly , spined leaves as well as by other characters, such as the entire floral bracts, larger sepals and petals.

Edited from : Vasquez & Ibisch 2007c. (protologue) Puya pachyphylla sp. nov. (Bromeliaceae) and new synonyms of Puya tuberosa from Bolivia .