
<- Vriesea zonata Leme & J.A.Siqueira[as Vriesea zonata Leme & J. A. Siqueira]
Diagnose: —Species nova V. limae L. B. Sm., affinis, sed foliis viridibus et manifeste albovittatis, apicem versus contortis, petalis ovatis, minoribus, pallide virescentibus sed centraliter apicem versus purpureo-vinosis et antheris apice obtusis altitudinem stigmatis aequantibus differt.

Observations: —Vriesea zonata is clearly related to V limae but differs in its vegetative reproduction by relatively short basal shoots ( vs. stoloniferous), leaves green with white trichomes clearly arranged in crossbars, especially on the abaxial surface, and leaf blades twisted toward the apex. Furthermore, the new species has ovate petals that are wider below the median segment (vs. subelliptic, widest near the median segment) and smaller (ca. 31 x 16 mm vs. 33-38 x 20 mm), pale greenish except for the mid-apical part which is purplish wine-colored (vs. entirely pale green) and anthers equaling the stigma at anthesis (vs. anthers distinctly shorter than the stigma), with obtuse apex (vs. apiculate)

Edited from : Siqueira & Leme 2007. (protologue) Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads .