
<- Deuterocohnia scapigera subsp. sanctaecrucis Vásquez & Ibisch[as Deuterocohnia scapigera subsp. sanctaecrucis Vasquez & Ibisch]
Diagnose: —A Deuterocohnia scapigera subsp.scapigera floribus et bracteis floralibus minoribus, petalis sepalisque brevioribus differt.

Observations: —The main difference of the new subspecies is the much smaller size of the flowers. The floral bracts are not as long as in the type of D. scapigera subsp. scapigera (not exceeding the sepals). However, the habit of the plants and other relevant characters (e.g., flower color) are so similar that we prefer to establish a new subspecies in order to stress the differences evolved after a certain geographical separation and under slightly different ecological conditions. It is interesting that the populations of D. scapigera that are the closest to the new species D. gableana differ more significantly with regard to flower proportions than the type of the species does. Obviously, there is no gradual transition of characters from D. gableana in Santa Cruz toward D. scapigera subsp. scapigera in Potosi (Table 2).
inter-Andean dry valleys of Santa Cruz,

Edited from : Vidalia, Revista da. (protologue) .