
<- Pepinia martinellii H.Luther[as Pepinia martinellii H Luther]
Diagnose: —A P. limae (LB.Sm.) C.S. Varadarajan & Gilmartin cui affinis sed foliis per longioribus tenuibusque et flores minoribus differt.

Observations: —Comments. This very odd and distinctive plant is unfortunately known only from in¬complete and fragmentary material. Its rela¬tionship within Pepinia are uncertain, but Pe¬pinia limae from Ceara seems to be a close relative regardless of whether Pepinia is treat¬ed at the generic or subgeneric rank (Varada¬rajan & Gilmartin 1988; Taylor and Robinson 1999). From this and all other taxa in Pepinia, this new species differs by having very long and narrow leaf blades (50-95 em x 1-3 mm). From P. limae it also differs by shorter, entire floral bracts (5-8 mm vs. 25 mm), shorter se¬pals (10-11 mm vs. 21 mm), and shorter pet¬als (28-33 mm vs. 55 mm). The flower color is not known for P. martinellii; for P. limae the color is red.

Edited from : Luther 2009b. (protologue) Pepinia martinellii from Pará State is described. It is compared and contrasted with P. limae (L.B. Sm.) Varad. & Gilmartin from Ceará State. .