
<- Cryptanthus tiradentesensis Leme[as Cryptanthus tiradentesensis Leme]
Diagnose: —Species nova a C. schwackeanus Mez, affinis, foliis utrinque dense vel subdense et grosse albo-lepidotis, laminis foliorum marginibus spinis minoribus, sepalis longioribus, petalis haud callosis differ; a C. caracensis Leme & Gross, cui proxima, sed laminis foliorum brevioribus angustioribusque, bracteis floriferis duplo vel triplo angustioribus, altitudinem sepalorum distincte brevioribus, floribus minoribus, petalis base breviter connatis differt.

Observations: —Cryptanthus tiradentesensis differs from C. schwackeanus by the leaves densely to subdensely and coarsely white-lepidote on both sides (vs. adaxially glabrous), sepals longer (8-10 mm vs. 6-7 mm long), and by the petals without any callosities. It is also similar to C. caracensis, but can be distinguished from it by the leaves shorter and narrower (9-15 x 0.9-1.1 cm vs. 15-35 x 1.3-1.9 cm), floral bracts twice to three times narrower (ca. 4 mm vs. 8-14 mm wide) and distinctly shorter than the sepals (vs. about equaling the sepals), smaller flowers (24-26 mm vs. 30 mm long), and by the petals shorter connate at base (1-2 mm vs. 5-7 mm).

Edited from : Leme 2007c. (protologue) Three Subtle new Cryptanthus Species from Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil .