
<- Cryptanthus regius Leme[as Cryptanthus regius Leme]
Diagnose: —Species nova a C. schwackeanus Mez affinis, sed foliis plus numerosis, laminis foliorum longioribus latioribusque, floribus fasciculorum plus numerosis, sepalis longioribus et petalis haud callosis differt.

Observations: —Cryptanthus regius differs from C. schwackeanus by the rosette with more numerous leaves (15 to 18 vs. 10 to 15 in number), leaf blades longer and broader (14-17 x 1.41.9 cm vs. 4-11 x 0.7-1.3 cm), basal fascicles with more flowers ( to 4 vs. to 2), sepals longer (8-9.5 mm vs. 6-7 mm), and by the petals without any callosities.

Edited from : Leme 2007c. (protologue) Three Subtle new Cryptanthus Species from Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil .