
<- Cryptanthus lavrasensis Leme[as Cryptanthus lavrasensis Leme]
Diagnose: —Species nova a C. schwackeanus Mez, cui proxima, sed laminis foliorum longioribus latioribusque, inflocescentia simplicissima, bracteis floriferis folia similibus, floribus longioribus, distincte pedicellatis, petalis 7-13 mm connatis differt.

Observations: —Cryptanthus lavrasensis can be distinguished from C. schwackeanus by the longer and broader leaf blades (15-18 x 2-2.3 cm vs. 4-11 x 0.7-1.3 cm), simple inflorescence (vs. bipinnate at base), floral bracts resembling the leaves (vs. bracteiform), flowers longer (35-40 mm vs. 25-35 mm long) and distinctly pedicellate (vs. sessile), and by the higher connate petals (connate for 7-13 mm vs. 2-4 mm).

The name of this species is a reference to the locality where it was found growing in open, herbaceous vegetation of the "Campos Rupestres", about 1,300 m elevation, sharing its habitat with other bromeliad species, like Dyckia bracteata (Wittm.) Mez.. Contrary to Cryptanthus schwackeanus which thrives scattered with sparsely distributed individuals, C. lavrasensis forms dense and large clusters on wet soil along streams, and the leaves are sometimes unilaterally secund curved.

Edited from : Leme 2007c. (protologue) Three Subtle new Cryptanthus Species from Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil .