
<- Aechmea tentaculifera Leme, Amorim, & J A Siqueira[as Aechmea tentaculifera Leme, Amorim, & J A Siqueira]
Diagnose: —Ab A froesii (L B Smith) Leme & J A Siqueira, cui affinis, laminis foliorumapice obtusis vel truncatus, ramis distincte longioribus, sepalis rubris apice mucrone ca. 2mm longo et ovario rubro et cylindraceo differt.

Observations: —Discussion
Although the general aspect of this new species, especially the colour pattern, shows links to the Aechmea lingulata complex, A. tentaculifera has a morphological relationship with A. froesii However, it differs in the leaf blades with obtuse to truncate tip (versus sharp to acuminate), branches distinctly longer than the assumed position of the tentacles (17-29cm vs. 5-12cm long, sepals vivid red (vs. green), with an apical mucron 2mm long, (vs. 1-1.2cm long), besides the red ovary (vs. green) and cylindric (vs. subclavate)
A. tentaculifera is endemic to the Mata Atlantica mountains of south Bahia, where it is known only from two localities. Living at altitudes about 700 - 1000m it grows as an epiphyte in sub-woodlands of primary and remnant Mata Atlantica forests bordering on Cocoa plantations

Edited from : Siqueira & Leme 2007. (protologue) Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads .