
<- Aechmea froesii (L B Sm.) Leme & J A Siquueira[as Aechmea froesii (L. B. Sm.) Leme & J. A. Siqueira]

Observations: —Aechmea lingulata var froesii was given species status in order to conceptually align the taxa of the "Aechmea lingulata complex" based on a suite of well-defined morphological characteristics and a definite geographic distribution pattern.
Aechmea froesii differs from A. lingulata and A. patentissima in its inflorescence with few branches [5 to 8 (11) vs. (8-) 11 to 40], these being slightly shorter than or distinctly exceeding the axis of the inflorescence (vs. distinctly shorter than), plus longer flowers (18-22 mm vs. 13-15 mm long). The sepals of A. froesii are also longer (6-8 mm vs. 4-7 mm long), as well as petals also longer (11-13 mm vs. 8-9 mm long). In Pernambuco and Alagoas, the species is easily identified in the field by the wine-colored inflorescence of plants at an advanced reproductive stage.
This species is epiphytic or saxicolous, and grows from the lowland Atlantic forest, including transitional Restinga forest, to higher altitudes, i.e., the montane forests of Engenho Coimbra in Ibateguara and the Murici Ecological Station in the municipality of the same name.

Edited from : Siqueira & Leme 2007. Fragments of the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil - Biodiversity, Conservation and the Bromeliads .