
<- Vriesea croceana Leme & G.K.Br.[as Vriesea croceana Leme & G. Brown]
Diagnose: —A V. funebris L. B. Sm., cui proxima, scapus distincte decurvatus, ramulis 2-3, bracteis floriferis altitudinem sepalorum 2/3 aequantibus, sepalis brevioribus, appendicibus petalorum longioribus, acuminatis vel irregulariter acuminatis-dentatis differt.

Observations: —Vriesea croceana is closely related to V. funebris, differing from it by the strongly curved scape (vs. straight and erect), fewer inflorescence branches (2-3 vs. 6-7 in number), floral bracts about equaling 2/3 of sepals length (vs. equaling 1/2 of the sepals length), shorter sepals (ca. 30 mm vs. ca. 35 mm), and by longer petal appendages (ca. 17 mm vs. 10 mm) with acuminate to irregularly acuminate-dentate apex (vs. internal apical margins irregularly dentate).

Growing in the same kind of rocky habitat which characterizes this complex of lithophytic species, V. croceana was found at about 600 m elevation in the county of Santa Maria Madalena, Rio de Janeiro State. Its close relative, V. funebris can be also found thriving in the same region, but sympatry at the same escarpment were not observed.

Edited from : Vidalia, Revista da. (protologue) .