
<- Tillandsia rohdenardini T.Strehl[as Tillandsia rohdenardini T. Strehl]
Diagnose: —Planta saxicola vel epiphytica, caulescens, florens 8-10 cm alta. Folia 20-24, virido-cinerea Lamina 3-5 cm longa, 0,4-0,5 cm lata. Scapus erectus. Inflorescentia inclinata, cylindrica, 2-3 cm diam., viridi, 5-8 cm longa, 4-5 (8) florida. Bracteae scapi foliis similis, longiores quam internodia. Bracteae florales 1-1,4 cm longae, 0,9-1 cm latae, rubrae vel roseolae, ecarinatae. Sepala 0,9-1,2 cm longa. Petala 2,1-3 cm longa, 0,6-0,8 cm lata, apice rotundata, lamina coerulea.

Observations: —This new species is in the subgenus Anoplophytum with a morphological affinity to T. aeranthos (L) L B Sm. However, T. rohdenardini can be distinguished by its generally smaller size (8-10cm vs. 9-32cm), inflorescence not as long (5-8cm vs. 8-15cm), the smaller number of flowers (3-8 vs. 5-20), the smaller size of the floral bracts (1-1,4cm vs. 2cm), the sepals (0,9 -1,2cm vs. 1,2 -1,9cm) and the petals (2,1-3 cm vs. 1,7-2,7cm)

Edited from : Vidalia, Revista da. (protologue) .