
<- Streptocalyx colombianus var. laxus E.Gross[as Streptocalyx colombianus var. laxus E Gross]
Diagnose: —Laminae tantum usque ad 80 cm longae acuminatae. non rotundatae et pungentes. Inflorescentia cylindrica laxe bipinnata, non densissime bipinnata et ovoidea. Bracteae primariae tantum 4 cm (non 6 cm) longae, 2,5 cm latae. Bracteae florales disperse lepidotae et leviter nervatae, non dense lepidotae nervis prominulis. Sepala tantum 1 cm, non 2,5 cm longa. Ovula obtusa, non acuminata. Holotypus: RAUH 37422 (Mai 1975), in herb inst. bot. system univ. heidelb. (HEID). Patria et distributio: terricola in pulvisilvis apud 200 m.s.m. prope Orito, Dptm. Narino, Nova Granada (Columbia) meridionali-occidentalis

Observations: —Differ from the Type var. colombianus in following characteristics: Blades only to 80 cm long, acuminate, not rounded and pungent. Inflorescense cylindrical, laxly bipinnate, not very densely bipinnate and ovoid. Primarybracts only 4 cm, not 6 cm, long and 2,5 cm wide. Floral Bracts scattered lepidote and weakly nerved, not densely lepidote and prominently nerved. Sepals only 1 cm, not 2,5 cm long. Ovules blunt, not tipped.
var. colombianus
Leaf to 1.7 m long, Blade rounded off and pungent acuminate; Inflorescence very densely bipinnate, ovoid, to 20 cm long; floral Bracts densely lepidote, prominently nerved. Sepals to 2.5 cm long. Ovules tipped.
Habitat; Colombia, Amazon-region (Vaupes), 190-250 M.

var. laxus E Gross
Leaf to 80 cm long, tapering to a pungent tip; Inflorescence loosely bipinnate, to 20 cm long; floral bracts scattered lepidote, weakly nerved. Sepals 1 cm long. Ovules blunt.

Translated by Butcher from: Rauh 1988a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 20). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .