
<- Vriesea naundorffiae Rauh[as Vriesea naundorffiae Rauh]

Observations: —Vriesea naundorfii vegetatively looks like V. ringens (Griseb.) Harms, (Range: Costa Rica to Colombia), but has banding on the underneath of the leaves, the inflorescence of V. ringens is mostly branched, rarely single, the rhachis below the internose verrucose, the floral bracts are carinate towards the tip; they are acuminate and narrow and do not taper into a long, pungent tip; the erect flowers are 6-8 cm long, with petals white or yellow.
Using the Vriesea key of L. B. Smith, one reaches near to V, schippii L. B. Smith, (Range: Nicaragua), as well as V. macrochlamys Mez & Werckle, ( Range: Costa Rica). V. naundorfii however bears no relational relationship to either. In “The Bromeliaceae of Ecuador” by A. J. Gilmartin (1972) the present plant is not mentioned.

Edited from : Rauh 1979c. Bromeliads for home, garden and greenhouse .