
<- Tillandsia marcalaensis Rauh & E.Gross[as Tillandsia marcalaensis Rauh & E Gross]

Observations: —Differs from T. selleana (from Jamaica & Hispaniola) in
Leaf Sheath indistinct, pale, the upper third violet striped.
Scape bracts with red sheath and green blade.
Primary bracts at the bottom spikes not exceeding but longer than the leaved bottom section of the spike.
Spike partly 10 - 15 flowered not 4 - 5.
Floral bracts smooth, not nerved , subcarinate, not carinate.
Petals pale violet not white, and to 3.5cm long

Edited from : Rauh & Gross 1991. Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 22). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .