
<- Pitcairnia nortefluminensis Leme[as Pitcairnia nortefluminensis Leme]
Diagnose: —A P. corcovadensis Wawra, cui affinis, squamis longe fimbriatis patentibus, foliis laxe vel subdense albo-lepidotis sublanatis, bracteis scapalibus internodia superantibus, albo-lepidotis, scapo albo-lepidoto, bracteis floriferis albo-lepidotis, floribus per anthesin unilateralibus et petalis brevioribus differt.

Observations: —This new species is very closely related to Pitcairnia corcovadensis. On the basis of the morphological characteristics highlighted by Wendt et al. (2000), it differs from P. corcovadensis by the presence of long fimbriate spreading trichomes (vs. plant glabrous), leaves laxly to subdensely white sublanate (vs. glabrous), scape bracts distinctly longer than the internodes and white-lepidote (vs. the upper ones shorter than the internodes and glabrous), scape white-lepidote (vs. glabrous), floral bracts white-lepidote (vs. glabrous), flowers downwardly secund at anthesis (vs. not distinctly secund), and by the shorter petals (48 mm vs. 55-65 mm long).

Edited from : Leme 2004c. (protologue) Piticairnia nortefluminensis, a New Species from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .