
<- Pitcairnia manabiana H.Luther[as Pitcairnia manabiana Luther]
Diagnose: —P. unilateralis L. B. Smith affinis, sed foliis dimorphis, basi serratis et bracteis florigeris magnis differt.

Observations: —Pitcairnia manabiana bears a striking resemblence to P. unilateralis L. B. Smith, also from western Ecuador, but differs from this species by its dimorphic and basally serrate foliage and much longer bracts. Pitcairnia manabiana forms nearly solid mats on south-facing slopes and cliffs along the roadside. From a distance it resembles a coarse, flattened grass.

Edited from : Luther 1981b. (protologue) Pitcairnia Manabiana, A New Species from Western Ecuador .