
<- Vriesea hasei Ehlers[as Vriesea hasei (Ehlers) Grant]

Observations: —V. hasei grows in a relatively wide area in Venezuela. In 1990 F. Hase found a similar plant in Venezuela, District federal, Province Vargas between Colonia Tovar and El Junquito, 2100m. The inflorescence was larger with a small side spike. The floral bracts and sepals were a little larger, otherwise it was hardly distinguishable. Ehepaar Brinkmann from Berlin found a similar plant near Colonia Tovar in 1994.

The plant differs from V. cereicola by
Leaves green and thin, not with coarse grey scales and 4cm wide.
Scape erect not arching decurved.
Inflorescence mostly simple not 1-4 spikes.
Floral bracts glabrous without pruinose edges.
Petals dark violet, not greenish with violet speckles

Edited from : Die Bromelie. .