
<- Tillandsia laxissima var. moorei H.Luther[as Tillandsia laxissima var. moorei H Luther]
Diagnose: —A T. laxissima Mez, cui affinis, foliis, bracteis florigeris et sepalis longiorbus differt.

Observations: —This spectacular ornamental differs from the typical T. laxissima from the Departments of Santa Cruz and La Paz in Bolivia by having
Leaves longer (85 cm vs. 30 cm)
Floral bracts longer (10-12 mm vs. 6-7 mm)
Sepals longer (18-20 mm vs. 12-13 mm)
In all other details, as well as overall appearance, it is identical to the typical variety.

Edited from : Luther 1999b. (protologue) Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae (XIV) .