
<- Ronnbergia neoregelioides Leme[as Ronnbergia neoregelioides Leme]
Diagnose: —A R. carvalhoi Martinelli & Leme, affinis, sed foliis brevioribus, subcoriaceis, basin versus haud obtuse carinatis, petalis apice lilacinis, acutis, basi ca. 4 mm connatis, tubo epigyno ca. 5 mm longo differt.

Observations: —Ronnbergia neoregelioides, which reminds a spineless, short-leafed kind of the Bahian Neoregelia wilsoniana, is very close related to R. carvalhoi. It differs from it by the shorter and subcoriaceous leaves, without an obtuse keel toward base, petals with acute lilac apex, connate at base for ca. 4 mm, and by the larger epigynous tube, ca. 5 mm long. Despite their close relationship, these two species are well apart from R. brasiliensis, which presents distinct floral morphology. The inflorescence of the latter, without involucral bracts, is elongated, sublaxly flowered, and often branched at base, being well elevated above the leaf-rosette

Edited from : Leme 1999d. (protologue) Ronnbergia neoregelioides, Another new species from Brazil .