
<- Fosterella nowickii Ibisch, R.V squez & E.Gross[as Fosterella nowickii Ibisch, Vasquez & Gross]
Diagnose: —Similis est Fosterella cotacajensis Kessler, Ibisch & Gross sed foliis latioribus squamis laminae maioribus bracteis scapi glabris serratisque floribus non solum nutantibus bracteis florum multo magis longioribus sepalis petalisque brevioribus.

Observations: —This new species resembles Fosterella cotacajensis but differs by broader and arcuate, (not angled at base) leaves, smaller scales in the blades, glabrous and serrate scape bracts, green primary bracts, erect flowers (not all nutant), much shorter floral bracts not exceeding the se
pals, and shorter sepals and petals. As with F. cotacajensis, this new species lives in a dry valley (possibly somewhat less arid). Preliminary molecular data indicate that the species is most closely related to F. cotacajensis (Rex 2001, Rex et al. 2001;( FIGURE 1).

Edited from : Ibisch et al. 2002. (protologue) Novelties In Bolivian Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) .