
<- Fosterella fuentesii Ibisch, R.V squez & E.Gross[as Fosterella fuentesii Ibisch, Vasquez & Gross]
Diagnose: —Similis est Fosterella petiolata (Mez) L.B. Smith sed foliis prope basin serratis bracteis ftorum sepalisque lepidotis et sepalis petalisque longioribus differt.

Observations: —This new species is clearly similar to Fosterella petiolata (see below) but differs by having serrate petioles and villous-lepidote floral bracts and sepals, as well as longer sepals and petals.
This terrestrial herb has been found on shaded rocks in an inter-Andean dry valley with a subhumid to dry forest with Parapiptadenia excelsa, Schinopsis haenkeana, and Myrtaceae (observation of the collectors). Thus its locality is ecologically distinct from the sites of F. petiolata from the humid Yungas forests of the northeastern Andean slopes in northern Bolivia and Peru.

Edited from : Ibisch et al. 2002. (protologue) Novelties In Bolivian Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) .