
<- Cryptanthus caulescens I.Ram¡rez[as Cryptanthus caulescens ]
Diagnose: —Diagnose: Omnibus Cryptanthus speciebus dijfert sed habito caulescente, foliis spiraliter dispositis, laeve coriaceis, abaxialis sulcatis.

Observations: —This species belongs to the section Mesophyticae, but because of its caulescent habit it looks similar to members of section Hoplocryptanthus. It can be distinguished by caulescent habit, with leaves spirally arranged along the stem, foliar blades soft, lepidote adaxially and abaxially, margins minutely serrate and middle nerwe of the leaf sunken on the adaxial surface.

Edited from : Ramirez 1996. Systematics, phylogeny and chromosome number evolution in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae) .