
<- Alcantarea edmundoi (Leme) J.R.Grant[as Alcantarea edmundoi (Leme) J R Grant]

Observations: —Edmundo Pereira had begun the study of this species, which he had considered new. However, the accidental misplacement of exsiccatae stopped him making a decision and publishing his work.

Recently, we located the respective material deposited in Herbarium Bradeanum, in half the exsiccatae belonging to other species of the vegetable family. With that, it was possible to conclude the initial research for this nostalgic specialist and, as he could not finish it, to honor him with such an imposing new species.

V. edmundoi resembles V. imperialis Carriere, but differs in the smaller size, inflorescence predominantly green, primary bracts exceeds the sterile bases of the branches, and these show a smaller amount of sterile bracts. It is also noticed that the sepals are linear-lanceolate and acute, and the petals of yellowish color.

Edited from : Pabstia. .