Diagnose: —Affinis est Aechmeae drakeanae Andre, sed differt ab ea in characteribus sequentibus: Scapus validus et lanate lepidotus, non tenuis et moderate lepidotus. Bracteae scapi numerosissimae et dense imbricatae, iam in tempore anthesis subfusce siccae. Inflorescentia dense florida cum termino sterile, non laxe florida. Bracteae florales usque ad 35 mm longae, non 10 mm longae. Sepala 12 mm longa et lepidota, non 6 mm longa et glabra. Observations: —Differs from A. drakeana in
Scape thick and floccose lepidote not thin and sparsely lepidote
Scape bracts numerous, densely imbricate.After anthesis drying brownish
Inflorescence dense flowered with sterile apex not lax flowered
Floral bracts to 35mm long, not 10mm long.
Sepals 12mm long and lepidote, not 6mm long and glabrousEdited from : Gross 1998a. (protologue) Eine neue Aechmea-Art aus Ekuador .