
<- Aechmea viridostigma Leme & H.Luther[as Aechmea viridostigma Leme & H. Luther]
Diagnose: —Species nova a Aechmea bicolor L. B. Sm. affinis, laminis foliorum latioribus, inflorescentia composita, rache viridi, sepalis longioribus, petalis sublinearibus, longioribus angustioribusque, apice acutis, stigme viridi differt. A A. burle-marxii E. Pereira, cui proxima, laminis foliorum marginibus subintegris vel sparse spinulosis, inflorescentia solum 4.5-6 cm longa, ramulis lateralibus minus numerosis et manifeste brevioribus, sepalis mucrone longioribus, petalis per anthesim erectis vel suberect, stigme viridi differt.

Observations: —Aechmea viridostigma is closely related to A. bicolor but can be distinguished by the leaf blades broader(3.8-4.3 cm vs. 2.5 cm), inflorescence compound (vs. simple), rachis green ( vs. yellow), sepals 6-7 mm long (vs. 4 mm long), and by the petals sublinear (vs. narrowly obovate), longer and narrower (11 X 2.5-3 mm vs. ca. 9 x 4 mm), and the apex acute (vs. emarginate). Aechmea viridostigma is morphologically related to A. burle-marxii, but differs by having the leaf blades with margins subentire to sparsely spinulose (vs. densely spinulose toward apex), relatively short inflorescence (4.5-6 cm long vs. 12-20 cm), and with a reduced number of lateral branches which are distinctly shorter, as well as by the sepals with a longer apical mucro ( ca. 2 mm vs. ca. 1 mm), petals erect to suberect at anthesis (vs. subspreading-recurved at anthesis), and by the green stigma (vs. white)

Edited from : Leme & Luther 2003a. (protologue) Two New Species of Aechmea from Bahia, Brazil .