
<- Aechmea linharesiorum Leme[as Aechmea linharesiorum Leme]
Diagnose: —Species nova a A. burle-marxio E. Pereira affinis, a qua laminis foliorum angustioribus, floribus minoribus, sepalis minoribus, viridoalbescentibus, petalis rotundatis, pallide viridescentibus differt.

Observations: —Belonging to the Aechmea lingulata (L.) Baker species complex, subgenus Aechmea, A. linharesii is morphologically similar to A. burle-marxii. but may be separated from it by the narrower leaf -blades, smaller flowers. smaller and whitish-green sepals, and pale greenish petals with a rounded apex.

Edited from : Harvard Pap. Bot.. (protologue) .