
<- Aechmea incompta Leme & H.Luther[as Aechmea incompta Leme and H. Luther]
Diagnose: —A A. amorimii Leme, cui affinis, plantis minoribus, laminis foliorum angustioribus, basin versus dense spinulosis, inflorescentia laxe paniculata, bipinnata, floribus subduplo minoribus, filamentis epipetalis petala alte adnatis, antheris haud subsessilibus differt.

Observations: —This new Aechmea species is somewhat related to A. amorimii Leme, but can be distinguished from it by its smaller size, leaf-blades narrower with basal margins densely spinulose, inflorescence laxly paniculate and bipinnate, flowers about 1/2 the size, epipetalous filaments highly adnate to the petals, and by the anthers which are fixed near the middle, not subsessile. This species was introduced into North American horticulture many years ago by Robert Wilson of Fantastic Gardens in Miami, Florida. As it rarely flowers in cultivation, its identity was never definitely determined. It may be found in cultivation labelled as A. "Tingua" or misidentified as A. lingulata.

Edited from : Leme & Luther 1999. (protologue) Miscellaneous new species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae (II) .