
<- Aechmea gustavoi J.A.Siqueira & Leme[as Aechmea gustavoi Sigueira & Leme]
Diagnose: —Inter generis species valde singularis, a speciebus omnibus laminis foliorum anguste sublinear-attenuatis, laxe spinosis, inflorescentia subumbellata-capitata, apice plano vel fere, inter folia intima nidulans, bracteis floriferis erectis vel fere, manifeste coriaceis, apicem versus centraliter excavatis, floribus 65-67 mm longis, sepalis longe acuminato-caudatis, perdense lepidotis, petalis albis, exappendiculatis, base connatis, altitudinem sepalorum aequantibus, ovulis obtusis, differt.

Observations: —During field studies at the type locality, the new species was visited by Glaucis hirsuta (Phaethornitinae), a hermit hummingbird, which has a bill length equal to the long tubular flowers,
but without its typical membranaceous floral structures. The unique characters of A. gustavoi are defined by its narrowly sublinear-attenuate, sparsely spinose leaf blades; nidular, subumbellate-capitate inflorescence, with apex flat or nearly so, and floral bracts erect or nearly so, strongly coriaceous, excavate between the margins. Additionally, this new species has flowers 65-67 mm long; sepals long-acuminate-caudate and densely lepidote; the petals white, without any appendages, connate at base, and about equaling the sepals; and the ovules are obtuse

Edited from : Leme & Siqueira 2001. (protologue) Studies in Bromeliaceae of Northeastern Brazil. I .