
<- Aechmea canaliculata Leme & H.Luther[as Aechmea canaliculata Leme and H Luther]
Diagnose: —Inter generis species valde singularis, a speciebus omnibus laminis foliorum angustis, basin versus manifeste canaliculatis, marginibus integris, inflorescentia simplex, dense subcylindrico-capitata, glabra, floribus flavidis, sepalis perasymmetricis, distincte mucronulatis, basi 2-3 mm connatis, petalis nudis, ovulis apiculatis, tuba epigyno 3-4 mm longo differt.

Observations: —It is very unusual mainly due to its narrow leaf blades which are strongly canaliculate toward the base, bearing entire margins, the inflorescence is simple, glabrous, and densely subcylindric-capitate, the flowers are yellow according to its collectors, the sepals are very asymmetrical, distinctly mucronulate, and connate at base for 2-3 mm. Finally, it has naked petals, apiculate ovules, and epigynous tube 3-4 mm long. In some aspects-mainly leaves and inflorescence structures-this new species resembles Ronnbergia brasiliensis E. Pereira and Penna. This indicates the broad and rather unnatural concept of Aechmea, and the serious difficulties concerning circumscriptions of the related genera as well. Compared to R. brasiliensis. differences are related to denser-lepidote and entire leaves, denser-flowered inflorescence, longer flowers, sepals with longer apical mucro, longer petals, and apiculate ovules.

Edited from : Leme & Luther 1999. (protologue) Miscellaneous new species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae (II) .