
<- Aechmea bromeliifolia var. angustispica Philcox[as Aechmea bromeliifolia var. angustispica Philcox]
Diagnose: —a varietate typica foliis supra fuscioribus atroviridibus nitentibus lepidotis sed squamis nec coalitis nec superficiem totam obtegentibus, inflorescentia anguste conica floribus anthesin atris differt.

Observations: —'Differs from type in
Leaves upper surface brownish dark green, shiny lepidote
Scales not joined together, not totally covering the upper surface
Inflorescence narrow conical
Flowers pale all over, black after anthesis'

The above description was prepared from a specimen which flowered in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, December 1979, and which is now deposited in the herbaria at CEPEC and Kew. .

Edited from : Kew Bull.. (protologue) .