
<- genus Streptocalyx Beer[as Streptocalyx ]

Observations: —Key to the Species of Streptocalyx
1.Inflorescence amply 3-4 pinnate; spikes very laxly 1-7-flowered; rhachis very slender; sepals 8-13 mm long including the 3 mm mucro; pollen 4-porate; ovules caudate-appendaged. Brazil. floribundus
1. Inflorescence bipinnate or rarely somewhat tripinnate at base.

2. Flowers polystichous (in more than 2 ranks); primary bracts not covering the elongate
spikes. Brazil.
3.Sepals free, 8 mm long, merely apiculate; inflorescence sparsely furfuraceous. curranii
3. Sepals much connate, 7 mm long exclusive of the stout mucro; inflorescence densely
lanate. lanatus
2. Flowers distichous (or only 2 in a spike); primary bracts (at least the lower) exceeding
the spikes.
4. Floral bracts serrate or serrulate; sepals usually serrulate as well, 14-25 mm long;inflorescence densely ovoid.
5. Spikes all 2-flowered, fasciculate; floral bracts tomentose-lepidote toward apex;
leaf-blades 30 mm wide. Ecuador. biflorus
5. Spikes (at least the lower) more than 2-flowered.
6.Scape much exceeding the leaf-sheaths; leaf-blades to 50 mm wide. Colombia.
6. Scape very short; leaf-blades 4-30 mm wide.
7. Leaf-spines mostly spreading; leaf-blades soft, 4-15 mm wide; floral bracts
unlobed. Colombia to Guiana and Peru, Amazonian Brazil. longifolius
7. Leaf-spines mostly recurved; leaf-blades stiff, 15-25 mm wide; floral bracts 3
-lobed. Peru. arenarius
4. Floral bracts entire.
8. Floral bracts shorter than the ovaries, reniform, apiculate; inflorescence elongate.
Colombia to Bolivia, Surinam, Amazonian Brazil. poeppigii
8 Floral bracts equaling or exceeding the ovaries.
9. Primary bracts lanceolate to ovate, acute; inflorescence subcapitate to pyramidal.
10. Sepals white-farinose; inflorescence pyramidal. Peru. fuerstenbergii
10. Sepals glabrous; inflorescence subcapitate.
11. Floral bracts 10 mm long, broadly ovate. Peru. brachystachys
11. Floral bracts 15-23 mm long, lanceolate to ovate. Ecuador. geminiflorus
9. Primary bracts broadly ovate to suborbicular, rounded and apiculate;
inflorescence mostly cylindric.
12. Upper (at least) primary bracts cucullate. Guiana, Peru, Amazonian Brazil.
12. Upper (and other) primary bracts straight or nearly so.
13. Floral bracts acuminate; inflorescence farinose. Peru, Amazonian Brazil.
13. Floral bracts retuse; inflorescence ferruginous-lepidote. Amazonian Brazil. murcae.

Edited from : Smith & Downs 1979. Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) in Flora Neotropica.