
<- Hohenbergia catingae var. eximbricata L.B.Sm. & Read[as Hohenbergia catingae var. eximbricata L B Smith & Read]

Observations: —Hohenbergia catingae and H. utriculosa Ule are closely related species of Northeast Brazil. The type specimen of H. catingae var eximbricata , Harley et al. 15263a, is from the area of the Pico das Almas and is similar to the other specimens seen in having reflexed and long-acuminate floral-bracts and strongly asymmetric sepals. In H. utriculosa, the floral bracts are shortly acuminate and the sepals are either unkeeled or only inconspicuously keeled at the apex. As in H. utriculosa, the inflorescence branches in var. eximbricata vary from sessile to 2 cm long. In the other varieties of H. catingae, the branches are characteristically longer

Edited from : Mayo et al. 1995. Bromeliaceae in Flora of the Pico Das Almas, Chapada Diamantina - Bahia, Brazil.