
<- Cryptanthus burle-marxii Leme[as Cryptanthus burlemarxii Leme]
Diagnose: —A C. zonato {Visiani} Beer; cui affinis, rhizomis perconspicuis. 10-20 cm longis. bracteis floriferis medium spealorum aequantibus, sepalis ca. 13 mm longis, petalis breviter connatis differt.

Observations: —The C. burle-marxii was found many years ago by Roberto Burle Marx in the State of Pernambuco, where its closest relatives C. zonatus (Visiani} Beer and C. fosterianus L.B. Smith came from. On the first glance, it differs from both by the smaller size, the more sparse and less wavy crossbanded drawing of its leaves, the curious vegetative propagation by means of very long slender rhizomes. On the other hand, due to floral characteristics, it is more close related to C. zonatus, differing in its floral bracts equaling the midpoint of the sepal, the entire sepals 13 mm long and the petals shortly connate.
To the best of our knowledge, all of the specimens of this new ornamental Cryptanthus maintained in cultivation by a few Brazilian and American collectors are descendant of the type-plant, which came from the Burle Marx showy bromeliad collection.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .