
<- Cryptanthus fernseeoides Leme[as Cryptanthus fernseeoides Leme]
Diagnose: —A C. scaposus E. Pereira, cui affinis, planta manifeste caulescente, foliis plurimis, laminis foliorum basin versus perdense spinulosis, spinis majoribus, sepalis liberis differt.

Observations: —The general appearance of this new species before anthesis, with quite rigid, narrow, suberect, distinctly spiny leaves, make it resemble the species of the genus Fernseea, which justifies its specific name. The new C. fernseeoides is closely related to C. scaposus, differing from it by the distinct caulescent habit, the double number of leaves which are equally distributed along the stem, leaf-blades very densely spinulose mainly toward the base, with longer spines, and by the free sepals, an uncommon feature for the genus.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .