
<- Cryptanthus whitmanii Leme[as Cryptanthus whitmanii Leme]
Diagnose: —A C. odoratissimus Leme, cui affinis, planta haud stolonifera, laminis foliorum ventraliter dense lepidotis, sepalis oblongo-ellipticis latioribusque, basi ca. 3mm connatis differt.

Observations: —This new species, a typical inhabitant of the atlantic rainforest of Espirito Santo State, may be distinguished from C. odoratissimus by the production of short basal rhizomes, the leaf-blades densely white-lepidote adaxially, and the broader oblong-elliptic sepals, which are connate at base for only 3mm. On the other hand, C. whitmanii resembles C. scaposus E. Pereira differing by the shorter and broader leaf-blades which are white-lepidote throughout and densely serrulate on the margins, the floral bracts entire or near so, the posterior sepals presenting entire keels, and by the longer and broader petals.

Edited from : Leme 1994a. (protologue) Novelty from Kautsky\'s collection - IV .