
<- Cryptanthus latifolius Leme[as Cryptanthus latifolius Leme]
Diagnose: —Ab omnibus speciebus adhuc cognitis laminis foliorum perlatis, inflorescentia subelongata, fasciculis infernis ca. 10 floribus, sepalis subliberis, laminis petalorum late obovatis rotundatisque differt

Observations: —This new unusual species was first collected growing terrestrially in a wet forest, about 300 meters high, at the coastal county of Guarapari, Espirito Santo State. Nowadays, it is well established in Kautsky's private forest at Domingos Martins, where we first saw it about nine years ago.

C. latifolius can be distinguished from all other previously known species by its very wide leaf blades with contrasting sides, as well as by the somewhat elongate inflorescence, the lower pulvinate fascicles with about 10 flowers, the sepals subfree, and the petals with broadly obovate rounded blades. Although not clearly related to any other described species, this new Cryptanthus may belong to the complex of species headed by C. pseudoscaposus L.B.Smith.

With its broader leaf blades this easy-to-grow new species represents an important horticultural acquisition for future experimentation in hybridization.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .