
<- Cryptanthus pseudoscaposus L.B.Sm.[as Cryptanthus pseudoscaposus ]
Diagnose: —Affinities: This species is related to C. latifolius (see discussion above). Also it is related to C. scaposus differing by having a longer scape, foliar blades elliptic, ovate, larger floral dimensions, epigynous tube of 2 mm, and fewer flowers per fascicle. All three species comes from the same region of Espirito Santo, with C. scaposus coming from 500-600 m, C. latifolius from 100-600 m of elevation, and C. pseudoscaposus from lower altitudes, around 30—40 m.

Edited from : Ramirez 1996. Systematics, phylogeny and chromosome number evolution in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae) .