
<- Cryptanthus odoratissimus Leme[as Cryptanthus odoratissimus Leme]
Diagnose: —A C. scaposo E. Pereira, cui affinis, rhizomis tenuibus ca. 10cm longis. foliis latioribus brevioribusque ventraliter glabris, marginibus manifeste undulatis, inflorescentia subsessili, sepalis peranguste lanceolatis base aequaliter connatis, petalis 30mm longis haud callosis differt.

Observations: —Yet another new species from the Atlantic forest of Espirito Santo State, C. odoratissimus draws attention with its very broad petal blades and the strongest flower fragrance ever reported in the genus. The study of its closest relative, C. scaposus E. Pereira {including the holotype deposited in Herbarium Bradeanum),indicated that the new species can be differentiated by the production of slender basal rhizomes, the broader and shorter leaves which are glabrous above, the margins distinctly undulate, the inflorescence not noticeably scapose, the sepals very narrowly lanceolate-acuminate and equally connate, and the petals longer and without any distinct calluses.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .