
<- Cryptanthus scaposus Pereira[as Cryptanthus scaposus ]
Diagnose: —longer inflorescence peduncle.

Observations: —This species is closely related to C. pseudoscaposus differing in what C. scaposus has larger, linear leaf blades (instead of elliptic of ovate-elliptic), not channeled in the middle (as in C. pseudoscaposus), foliar blades more lepidote adaxially, and by the inflorescence short-scapose instead of long-scapose in C. pseudoscaposus. It is also related to C. whitmanii from which C. scaposus differs by the lack of succulent basal, median area on foliar blades, larger leaves, and slightly

Edited from : Ramirez 1996. Systematics, phylogeny and chromosome number evolution in Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae) .