
<- Cryptanthus caracensis Leme & E.Gross[as Cryptanthus caracensis Leme & Gross]
Diagnose: —A C.. leopoldo-horstii Rauh, cui affinis, foliis haud coriaceis, vaginis nervatis et apicem versus manifeste spinulosis, laminis conspicue nervatis lepidibus flaccide adpressis et haud distincte infundibulliformis, margine foliorum spinis acerosis, bracteis floriferis latioribus, petalis latioribus haud distincte callosis, laminisI stigmatis distincte elongatis divergentibusque differt.

Observations: —C. caracensis is considered a locally common species with populations restricted to the limits of the Natural Park of Caraca, A Roman Catholic preserve located in the County of Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais State. It was first collected in 1990, but only recently (February. 1992) we had success in finding good flowering specimens for our studies.
The new species grows under xerophytic conditions, from altitudes above 1000 meters, amidst rock outcroppings which are typical of the open, predominantly herbaceous or bushy vegetation of the complex called "rupestral fields."
Although very close related with C. leopoldo-horstii, the new species must be differentiated from it by the following details: leaves not coriaceous, with sheaths smaller, nervate, and distinctly spinulose toward the apex; leaf blades conspicuously nervate, covered by weakly adpressed white scales which are not funnelform, margins bearing needle-shaped spines (not triangulate-dentate); floral bracts broader; petals broader and without any distinct calluses, forming a common basal tube with the filaments and style; stylar blades elongated and subspreading.

Edited from : J. Crypt. Soc.. (protologue) .