
<- Cryptanthus leopoldo-horstii Rauh[as Cryptanthus leopoldohorstii W Rauh]

Observations: —Differs from C. seidelianus in
Leaf blade both sides dense grey lepidote, top side not glabrous, the edhs strongly toothed.
Sepal almost free to the base not high joined
Petal blunt not acuminate.
Ovary 4mm not 10mm long
Epigynous tube indistinct.
Lobes blunt not long and spreading out.

Differs from C. duartei in
Leaves to 20cm long not 35cm long. Both sides dense grey lepidote, the top side not glabrous
Floral bracts shorter than the sepals not equally as long.
Sepals free not joined for 4 - 5mm and tipped lepidote.
Petals white not shiny orange.
Habitat Diamantina not Serra do Cipo ( Minas Gerais)

Edited from : Rauh 1988a. Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 20). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .